Small On Top patreon build 0.73 change list


Here's the change list for the new build. See the pdf with images in the patreon post!

The main things this build:

-Hotel rooms and floors are now open.

-First level of Deep Mine is now open.

-The Quest Guild station in Paradino open + a few quests.

-Story scenes for after the Richtor fight.

-New event with the same T-Rex from the last build.


January List


New event with the same T-rex we had an event last month! 5 new pictures. This event happens after beating Richtor and seeing the Dino’s other event in the Parabar in the forest. He’s in the hotel room 302.


Rewatch poster.




Item animation for Soft Serum.


Item animation for Health Broth.


Magical ice attack.


------World art------


“GOAL!” quest sprite.


“Fire It Up” quest sprite.


“SCORE!” quest sprite.


Richtor’s Office.


Hotel hallway.


Hotel room.


Hotel room artworks.


Hotel hallway artworks.



Kroner, the Paradino quest guild post keeper.


Paradino hotel receptionist face.



Kroner shop sprite.


Paradino hotel receptionist sprite.


Kroner world sprite.


Paradino gotel receptionist world sprite.


Rano lying on a bed.


------Battle art------




Battle backgrounds








Lifetime Pass.


Soft Serum.


Mithril Mining Pick.


Escape Rope.


Ice Cube.


Health Broth.


Designer Sunglasses.


Frozen Staff.






NPC audio

Some new voices.




You can teleport to the QG Lounge from Paradino, from the teleporter next to the Quest Board.


Kroner, the guy who looks after the Paradino Quest Guild post is now in the game.


There is now a receptionist for the Paradino hotel.


New Quest Guild quests for Paradino.

1-star quest “GOAL!”.

You need to score 3 goals with the ball in Paradino harbour.

1-star quest “Fire It Up”.

Light up 3 rooms in the Deep Mines.

2-star quest “SCORE!”.

You need to score 3 goals with the ball in Paradino forest.


The Hotel receptionist sells potions and Soft Serums.


Deep Mine

New area in Paradino Mine, you can get there after beating Richtor. The mine cart in the mine has a new option to take you to the deeper parts of the mine.

There you can light fires to see better in the dark.


Mithril Mining Pick lets you mine Mithril ore in Deep Mine. You can get it from the 3rd room of the 1st level of the Deep Mines. You can reset the ore in the 3rd room of the 2nd level. (WIP)


The Hotel

3 Floors of hotel rooms + Richtor’s office at the top.

There are chests in some of the hotel rooms, so remember to visit them!


Battle changes







Paradino Hotel floors are now accessible.


Deep Mine LVL 1 is now accessable.



After Richtor’s battle there is a new scene in the Hotel.


You can talk to Kroner, Paradino’s Quest Guild guy for some story.


You can talk to the receptionist at the Paradino hotel.


You can find 3 books, 1 on each floor of Paradino Hotel, in the hotel rooms.






Frozen Staff (Staff)

+10 MAG, +3 M.DEF, 100 MP, 50% chance attacks FREEZE the target.

Location: Bought from Kroner with 50 QC.




Soft Serum (Consumable)

Heals an ally from FROZEN, PETRIFIED and SPIKES. Gives the state SOFTENED which makes the ally resistant to FROZEN, PETRIFIED and SPIKES for the duration of the fight.

Cost: 250

Location: Bought from Hotel Receptionist in Paradino Hotel.


Book Of Ice Shard (Consumable)

Lace permanently learns the Ice spell “Ice Shard”.

Cost: 10 QC

Location: Bought from Kroner in Paradino.


Book Of Glacier Prison (Consumable)

Lace permanently learns the Ice spell “Glacier Prison”.

Cost: 50 QC

Location: Bought from Kroner in Paradino.


Book Of Ice Age (Consumable)

Lace permanently learns the Ice spell “Ice Age”.

Cost: 100 QC

Location: Bought from Kroner in Paradino.


Escape Rope (Consumable)

Escape the Deep Mines. Only usable there.

Location: Bought from Hotel Receptionist in Paradino Hotel.


Health Broth (Consumable)

Heal 100 HP to all allies.

Location: In one of the chests in the hotel rooms in Paradino.


Key Items


Mithril Mining Pick (Key Item)

Mine Mithril.

Location: A chest in Deep Mine (level 1 --- room 3).


Lifetime Pass (Key Item)

Stay at the hotel in Paradino for free.

Location: Richtor gives it to you.




Ice Cube (Armor)

+4 M.DEF, +60HP, +15% Ice resistance.

Location: A chest in Deep Mine (level 1 --- room 3).


Designer Sunglasses (Armor)

+3 DEF, +3 M.DEF, +25HP, +20% Fire resistance.

Location: In one of the chests in the hotel rooms in Paradino.





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